All in One Here!

The Envy of the plane

The person who was flying for the first time starts to use the toilet of the plane according to the suggestion given by the flight attendant, then he sees a red switch in the middle and touches it.

👉The person is shocked and regrets touching the red thing, saying that I touched something that can't be touched without knowing it. Everyone expected that he would yell at me saying that you are stupid, but no one even turned around to see him.

👉 As soon as he reached the seat, he slowly laughed and apologized to the person sitting next to him. The man said, "Oh, don't think like that, things that require such caution are not done in the restroom, they say it is in the room where the captain is." He says that it is a coincidence that the plane crashed because of bad weather.

👉 Many times people think like this, they think that they touch something and shake your life and decide your end. What they forget is that the thing that needs this much care is not with them, but with the captain of your life. If it wasn't like that, they would have crushed the red thing and made our life a chore. Thanks to the captain, those who need such precautions can only be found in his hands.

👉 May God help us to live in peace saying that my main thing is with God.🙏

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