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National Exit Exam

National Exams. . 

According to the Ministry of Education and National Education Assessment information:

Remedial Exam:

The examination of students who benefited from the special remedial program was completed today, June 30/2015. (Ministry of Education has announced that private students who have not been tested at the moment will be released in September 2016).
- Those who are eligible to attend the Freshman program in 2016 will score 30 percent in the internal examination of institutions, 70 percent in the examination prepared by the center, and a total of 50 percent and above.
For the first time, the exit exam given to graduate students of public and private higher education institutions:
- The exit exam will be given from July 3 to July 8, 2015. Result will be announced on July 10. (Exit examination of health students was held today)

This year, more than 169,000 students will take the higher education exit exam.
- Prepared exam types for 208 graduate programs.
- Students who score fifty (50) percent or more will pass.
- There is a possibility for students who did not pass the exam to retake it. The first round of the exam is conducted by the government in its own way, but after that, just like the 12th grade exam, in the exit exam, candidates can take the exam at the time they say they are ready / ready and come to pass the exam. There is a procedure to take their #degree when they pass the exam.

The exit test will be given entirely #online.
- The list of candidates who have passed the exam has been sent and entered into the data center.
- Students will be given a unique ID number for the exam; Awareness work done to help them to take the online test according to the numbers given to them; You are taking a mock test.
12th grade national exam given in universities for the 2nd time:
- The national exam will be given in universities from July 19 to 30, 2015.
- For the national exam, government universities will be ready for this work only from July 16.
- The Education Assessment and Examinations Service has announced that more than 869,000 candidates have registered online to take the 2015 national 12th grade final exam.

- 869 thousand 765 candidates have registered online to take the exam.- 503,812 social science and 365,954 natural science candidates registered for the exam.
- Preparatory work has been done for the recruitment of test administrators, supervisors and test station officials.

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